tirsdag den 19. december 2017

Gratis Spotify Premium

Velkommen til Gratis-Spotify.dk, siden hvor vi guider dig til at få Gratis Spotify Premium og til brugen af Spotify og alle dets funktioner. Spotify er meget hurtigt blevet danskernes foretrukne måde at høre musik på, fordi det er nemt og bekvemt at finde musikken via tjenesten og du får adgang til din yndlings musik uanset hvor du er, og uanset om du er online eller offline kan du få adgang til musik med Spotify Premium.

Her kan du se hvilke måder du kan få gratis Spotify Premium på.
  1. Gratis musiktjenester
  2. Ubegrænset gratis Spotify med reklamer
  3. 1 måneds Spotify Premium helt gratis
  4. 12 mdr. gratis Spotify Premium som Telia kunde

Største online musik streamingtjeneste

Spotify er verdens største online musik streamingtjeneste. Det er en streaming tjeneste der er opstået i kølvandet af de seneste års tendenser til, at lytte til musik, og se film og serier på nettet.  Spotify blev første gang præsenteret i 2006, softwaren blev udviklet og designet af 2 svenskere og firmaet er også svensk. De 2 svenskere har også været med til at skabe affiliate netværket TradeDoubler, som har haft stor succes i Skandinavien og resten af Europa. Spotify har siden de lancerede i 2006 fået 20 millioner registrerede brugere, hvoraf 5 millioner betaler for at få adgang til Premium versionen af Spotify.
Spotify er ikke første til at opfinde streaming af musik online. Den aller første tjeneste der gjorde dette muligt var Napster, der gav brugere mulighed for at lytte til musik som andre personer havde på deres computer, dermed var man ikke tvunget til at gå ned og købe de nyeste CD’er og betale for numre man evt. ikke gad høre. Problemet med Napster var at det i princippet var en ulovlig måde at dele musik på, da brugeren der delte musikken ikke havde rettighederne til den musik de delte og derfor begyndte musikbranchen hurtigt at angribe Napster, og ville lukke dem ned. Napster forsøgte at lave en aftale med musikbranchen der involverede alle de store pladeselskaber. Den aftale de ville lave, var at lave en tjeneste alla Spotify, men på daværende tidspunkt mente musikbranchen ikke at fremtiden for musikken var på internettet, og Napster fik derfor ikke mulighed for at overleve.
Siden da er der kommet rigtig mange musiktjenester op, som der fungere ligesom Spotify. I Danmark kender vi til Telmore musik, WiMP og Napster har siden da lavet en musiktjeneste under samme navn. Fælles for alle disse tjenester er at de leverer fremragende kvalitet af musikken. Spotify leverer med deres software lyd i aller højeste kvalitet, alle deres musiknumre er i 320 Kbit/s, det er på samme niveau som musik afspillet fra en CD.

Hvad kan du høre på Spotify?

På Spotify er der over 30 millioner musiknumre tilgængelig for dig som bruger. Det er musik i alle genre du kan komme i tanker om, og fra de største pladeselskaber som indbærer: Universal Music, Sony Music, EMI, Warner Music, Merlin og The Orchard. Kan du ikke finde musikken på Spotify, bliver det svært at finde den på andre streamingtjenester.
For at give et lille overblik over hvilken musik du kan høre på Spotify, er her et udpluk af hvad de selv har delt musikken op i af genre: Mood, Party, Pop, Workout, Focus, Rock, Indie, Alternativ, EDM, Dance, Chill, Dinner, Hip Hop, Sleep, RnB, Country, Folk & Americana, Metal, Soul, Travel, Decades, Jazz, Blues, Reggae, Latino, Punk, Romance, Funk, Trending, Klassisk, Comedy og Kids. Så kan man selv vælge og vrage mellem det musik man ønsker at lytte til.

Tilgængelig på alle enheder

Da brugen af computer, tablets og smartphones er så forskellig fra person til person i disse tider, er det rigtig vigtigt for en tjeneste som Spotify at være kompatibel med og tilgængelig på alle disse enheder og styresystemer som der bliver brugt. Det klare Spotify til bravur, og efterhånden er der ikke nogen enheder eller platforme hvor du ikke kan hente Spotifys software. Du kan benytte Spotify musiktjeneste på følgende enheder:
  • Din computer
  • Din tablet
  • Din smartphone
Og Spotify er tilgængelig på følgende styresystemer:
  • iOS
  • Windows
  • Android
  • Linux
Spotify Premium tilbyder dig masser af muligheder for at lytte til din musik uanset hvor du er. Med Spotify Premium kan du blandt andet lytte til alle dine playlister selvom du ikke har internet forbindelse. Du kan oprette et uendeligt antal af playlister på din Spotify konto, og alle de numre du tilføjer vil du kunne lytte til i udlandet uden at bruge data, og i offline mode herhjemme. Spotify er også et genialt værktøj til at opdage ny musik, bl.a. ved hjælp af deres browse funktion der byder på spillelister med den nyeste musik og spillelister lavet til motion eller studie. Deres radio funktion sammensætter lister du kan lytte til ud fra det musik du har hørt i forvejen. Ikke mindst er der deres Top 100 spilleliste, der giver dig mulighed for at hører de mest populære hits lige nu.

Spotify abonnementer

Spotify tilbyder 3 forskellige abonnementer. Hvert abonnement har sine fordele, og et af dem passer helt sikkert til din nuværende situation. De 3 abonnementer hedder: Spotify Free – gratis abonnement, Spotify Premiun – betalt abonnement og Spotify Family – et abonnement for hele familien. Sammelign abonnementerne i tabellen nedenfor, og ønsker du at oprette et abonnement hos Spotify?

torsdag den 26. oktober 2017


There have been a lot of exciting debate about the music business lately

There have been a lot of exciting debate about the music business lately. Especially two things, Spotify and Touring, have caught my attention. Both topics I often discuss with people. Firstly about Spotify, I think Taylor Swift should just shut up; her and her camp don’t think about the ‘value of art’ like she claims, they think about money and thats the bottom-line, no matter which good publicist they have helping her with tweets and statements.

My song November Skies just hit 1 million plays on Spotify, which not a lot compared to Swift, but still a decent amount of plays. And there is nothing in me that are offended that I might end up earning only a little fee, because I know that this means that a lot of people have been adding it to their ‘party’ ‘road-trip’ ‘wedding’ or whatever playlist’s, and I if i’m lucky it’s gonna stay on those lists, and i’ll keep getting played in peoples homes and smartphones for many years…and their friends might discover me through the playlists. Thats the core of streaming, not how ‘few’ million dollars Taylor Swift is getting from Spotify this year.

Remember if an album is sold itunes or in a store it’s a onetime fee, but if a song keeps and being played on a streaming service, it will keep earning money for the artist, but maybe thats a hard concept to understand for an artist like Swift.
I’m not saying that Spotify shouldn’t pay a decent cut, I’m just saying that we should give them and people a chance to revolutionise the business.


Second on touring: Pomplamoose wrote a nice, well-written and honest article about their 28-day US tour which ended up costing them more than 10.000 usd. And I get it, they are a studio duo that wanted to make a great show for as many fans as possible.

I’m fortunate to be part of a band that have around same crowd size as Pomplamoose, but the difference is, that we in Whomadewho have been making a profit from our first show and have supported 4 (including our manager) full-time salaries for many years now. Firstly, we have always traveled light (mostly just a guitar, a bass and some drumsticks) lately we have added a soundengineer and a bit more equipment, but we still fly around without paying overweight. Second, the last years we have been good at analyzing our career, which kept us from doing many of the things that everybody said was the ‘thing a band in our position should do’. When a label told us to make Franz Ferdinand-like hits, we made a dark partly instrumental album, and when we where told that we could only get a certain amount for gigs, we said ok, but we only play for the double now, and somehow we started getting those fees. What I’m saying is not that everybody should do that, but the musicscene in this era is not something fixed, you don’t have to tour in a mini-van, you don’t have to have tour-manager, you don’t need to play all cities in whole world, some don’t even have to tour, but for most it’s an amazing way to meet the fans and get more.

For Pomplamoose I’m sure they could cut down 50% of the 28 gigs, but still have gotten 80-90% of the income and pr-value (if we take the spin-off from their article out), and be making a profit.
I don’t know their specifics, but I have tried this on my own body so I know the drill…a band like Pomplamoose even though playing 900-1200 capacity in some cities might have been playing 50-100 people at other gigs, and those people are important yes, but sometimes after a gig like that I have been doing the calculation, and in some cases, It would have been cheaper for us to pay all fans at the venue 30 USD each than actually showing up and playing, almost no matter in what perspective you see this, it’s not clever business.

But I actually don’t care that much about losing money on gigs, if those gigs do a difference, it’s more what money-losing-small-gigs takes away from you:
- Having money worries usually isn’t to good for creativity, it makes people think short term,
- even though mostly being fun, touring is also hard work, so you waste a lot of creative energy waiting for a rental car or in backstage drinking warm beer, instead of making what matters so much: amazing music.
- and besides that, all bands except few hard ones, deliver a better show when they play a big sold out venue, than a half empty bar-like venue, and I’ll argue that a crowd seeing a band playing a big happy crowd is more likely to become loyal fans that brings their frinds next time, than then ones that witnessed a slightly humiliated band in a bar. And yes some fan gets the opportunity to say ‘I heard them play for only 30 people in Manchester’, but again thats only relevant if the band actually made it afterwords, not if the band is still playing for 30 people…and if the band made it, I’m quite sure it wasn’t the gig in Manchester that was the turning point.

So what I’m saying with all this is: if you are a band, nobody is gonna tell to cut down on gigs, because thats still the easiest and cheapest way to ‘make’ a band for the label, but don’t be naive about it because it’s also the easiest way to break a band, and you might wake up in few years, having done everything by the book and with decent success, but still the band breakes up, because If it doesn’t really support a ‘normal’ life, at some point, either you or your bands mates want out.

I still make stupid choices, and still occasionally somehow end up in a venue with 50 people or less, but I just wanted to share some of my thoughts that led me to living well of music in many years.

Gratis Spotify Premium

Velkommen til Gratis-Spotify.dk, siden hvor vi guider dig til at få Gratis Spotify Premium og til brugen af Spotify og alle dets funktioner....